Selasa, 09 Maret 2021

Kunci Jawaban Midterm Test_Lks Bahas Inggris Kelas 4_Halaman 29-32

 Midterm Test 

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d ! 

( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d ! )

The text is for numbers 1 to 3. 

( Teks berikut untuk nomor 1 s.d. 3 )

Hi, I am Tiara. I likes reading. I usually read a novel at 8 o'clock in the evening. Before reading a novel I always do my homework. At 9 o'clock, after reading a novel, I go to sleep.

1. Her name is..........

A. Clora 

B. Tiara 

C. Nadia 

D. Ana

2. She 8 o'clock in the evening. 

A. Watches television

B. Does her homework

C. Takes a nap

D. Reads a novel

3. What does she do before reading a novel ?

A. Go to bed

B. Go to sleep 

C. Does her homework

D. Have a dinner

4. She is doing the homework. 

The picture is............

5. There is a.........

A. dolphin 

B. Shark

C. Whale

D. Fish 

6. Irwan : " Is it a ......... animals ?" 

Doni : " Yes, it is. "

A. Wild

B. Pet

C. Farm

D. Food

7. a farm animal

A. Cow

B. Horse

C. Zebra

D. Buffalo

8. It is a...........

A. fox

B. Gorilla

C. Rhinoceros

D. wolf

9. Rudi :" Is it a zebra ?"

Melani : "No, it isn't. It is a........."

A. Hen 

B. Parrot

C. Horse

D. Snake

10. a pet

11.  The text is for numbers 11 to 14.

( teks berikut untuk nomor 11 s.d.14 )

Today is Sunday. It's holiday. My family and I go to the zoo. I can see many animals there like giraffe, camel, lion, tiger, monkey, etc. Giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo. Camel is the animal that we can easily find in the desert.

11. They go to the.......

A. Beach

B. Zoo

C. Forest

D. Mountain

12. The writer can see......there.

A. Many animals

B. Many things

C. Many Colors

D. Many Foods

13. Giraffe is ..........

A. The biggest animals in the zoo

B. The smallest animal in the zoo 

C. The dangerous animal in the zoo

D. The tallest animal in the zoo

14. Camel is.........

A. The animal that we can easily find in the desert

B. The king of the jungle

C. The longest animal in the world

D. The most dangerous animal in the world

15. a farm animal

16. a wild animal.

17. long - snakes - body - have

The good order is.........

A. Snakes body long have 

B. Snakes have long body 

C. Have snakes body long 

D. Body long have snakes

18. Farm animal means........

A. Binatang Jinak 

B. Binatang peliharaan

C. Binatang perternakan

D. Binatang berbisa

19. Raka ....... after reading a novel.

A. Goes to sleep 

B. Takes a nap 

C. Does his homework 

D. Sweeps the floor

20. Jean is watching television.

The picture is ........

21. Do you usually have ....... in the morning ?

A. Breakfast

B. Lunch

C. Dinner

D. Snack Time

22. Jim : "What is he doing ?" 

Allan : " He is........ "

A. Helping mother

B. Doing homework

C. Having lunch

D. Having breakfast

23. She is........

A. Sleeping

B. Taking a bath 

C. Having lunch

D. Reading a book 

24. Lilo : " Dini, where are you ?" 

Dini : " I am in my room. I am ....... " 

A. Studying with my friends

B. Doing homework 

C. Taking a nap

D. Taking a bath

25. Tama : " What are you doing, Clara ? " 

Wahyu : "I.........."

A. Am go to school

B. Is go to school

C. Am going to school

D. Is going to school 

II. Fill the blanks with the correct answer !

( Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat )

1. My grandfather has many animal, like..........

buffalo, chicken, and Goat

2. ...........and .............. are wild animals.

snake and eagle

3. We can get milk from............


4. ............ (ayam) can produce eggs.


5. Parrot = ..............

Burung beo

6. I am a wild animal.

I have a long neck.

I am the tallest animal.

I am a .............


7. She always ......... before going to bed.

Brush the teeth

8. I am ........ on foot.

Go home

9. Makan malam = ...........

have dinner

10. Anto : "What does she do in the afternoon ?"

Bim : " She waters the plant"

III. Answer these questions correctly !

( Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar ! )

1. Intan : " What ............... they do in the evening ?"

Maya : They watch television."

answer : Are

2. Andi : "What ......... he usually do in the afternoon ?"

Dayat : "He plays with his friends "

answer : Does

3. Arba : "What ............ they doing ?

Hari : "They are playing football.

answer : Are

4. Anton : " Have you feed your ................ ?"

Clara : " Yes, I have feed it."

answer : Cat

5. Mention four (4) farm animals !

answer : 

- Chicken

- Cow

- Duck

- Goat

6. What is she doing ?

answer : She is watching television

7. Translate into Indonesian !

( Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia ! )

A. I am studying at school.

B. She does homework.

answer :

A. Saya belajar di sekolah.

B. Dia mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah.

8. What does she do ?

answer : She mops the floor

9. What do you do in the morning ?

answer : "Make the bed"

10. Arrange these words into good sentences !

( Susunlah kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat-kalimat yang baik ! )

A. every - bed - Aan - the - morning - makes

B. at - I - study - my - with - school - friends

C. she - an - Does - have - iguana - ?

D. your - pet - Feed - !

answer :

A. Aan makes the bed every morning

B. I study at school with my friends

C. Does she have an iguana ?

D. Feed your pet !

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