Senin, 19 April 2021

Kunci Jawaban Competency Test Chapter 4_LKS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4_K13_Halaman 54-56

 Competency Test Chapter 4

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D !

( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf A, B, C, atau D ! )

This Text is for number 1 to 4. 

( Teks berikut untuk nomor 1 s.d. 4. )

My name is Putri. My occupation is a waiter. I work in a restaurant. As a waiter, I have the responsibility to serve the guests of the restaurant. I ask the guests what foods and drinks they want to order. I also deliver the foods to the guests. I like my job so much.

1. Putri is a ...........

A. Stewardess

B. Cook 

C. Waiter

D. Housewife

Jawaban : C

2. Where does Putri work ?

A. At police station

B. At restaurant

C. At market

D. At shop

Jawaban : B

3. Putri ....... the foods to the guests. 

A. Eats

B. Drinks

C. Delivers

D. Orders

Jawaban : C

4. Does Putri love her job ?

A. Yes, she do

B. No, she do not

C. Yes, she does

D. No, she does not

Jawaban : C

5. Anita : "....... you agree if we buy this book ?"

Mira : " Yes, I do. "

A. Are

B. Is

C. Does

D. Do

Jawaban : D


Where does he work ? 

A. At school

B. At restaurant

C. At hospital

D. At office

Jawaban : B

7.   t - c - u - e - r - h  = ..........

The best order is ..........

A. tubsher

B. tebcuhr

C. buthcer

D. butcher

Jawaban : D


Mr. Ahmad's uniform is white. He cures the patient. He is a .........

A. Waiter

B. Doctor

C. Nurse

D. Shopkeeper

Jawaban : B


What is he ?

A. He is a shopkeeper

B. He is a singer

C. He is a policeman

D. He is a soldier

Jawaban : D

10. He drives a bus. His job is a ...........

A. Driver

B. Bricklayer

C. Painter

D. Tailor

Jawaban : A

11. Jack :  "Do you agree if we go to the museum ?

Diana : " ......., I think a zoo will be better."

A. Thank you very much

B. I am sorry for hear that

C. I don't think so

D. exactly

Jawaban : C


Mr. Suryo is a ......

A. Butcher

B. Carpenter

C. Bricklayer

D. Postman

Jawaban : B


Mr. Sadino is a ......

A. Farmer

B. Gardener

C. Fisherman

D. Teacher

Jawaban : C

14. Adam always entertain someone with his song. He is a .......

A. Singer

B. Painter

C. Bricklayer

D. Student

Jawaban : A

15. r - g - r - e - n - e - a - d   =  ..........

A. Danereg

B. Renegard

C. Gardener

D. Radgener

Jawaban : C


Ana : Sorry, I lose your .......

Bima : It's okay.

A. Vase 

B. Doll

C. Bottle

D. Toy

Jawaban : B


She can make many kinds of clothes. She is a ......

A. Tailor

B. Sailor

C. Mechanic

D. Carpenter

Jawaban : A


Mrs. Tika teacher children at school. She is a .......

A. Headmaster

B. Student

C. Teacher

D. Singer

Jawaban : C


Mr. Ramli repairs car and motorcycles. He is a ......

A. Mechanic

B. Driver

C. Waiter

D. Shopkeeper

Jawaban : A

20. Ilyas : " ...... I have a plate of fried rice for the menu ?"

Hana : " Of course. Let's order now !" 

A. May

B. Is

C. Does

D. Are

Jawaban : A

II. Answer these questions correctly

( Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat ! )


James : "What is he ?"

Sonia : "He is a .........

Jawaban : Driver

2. Lena : "Excuse me, .................. I help your work, Ma'am ?"

Mrs. Tari : "Of course."

Jawaban : May

3. Carpenter  = .......................

Jawaban : Tukang kayu

4.  They work at the hospital station and help the doctor job.

They are ......................

Jawaban : Nurse

5. They are ......................... . They studying in the class now.

Jawaban : Student

6. He is a .......................... ( pelaut ).

Jawaban : Sailor

7.  He works in a post office and delivers letters. He is a ...................

Jawaban : Postman

8. Sofyan : "...................... the teacher agree with your opinion ?"

Erna : "Yes, he does."

Jawaban : Does

9. Jean : "What do you call a man who files a plane ?"

Nina : " ................................ "

Jawaban : Pilot

10. Pelaut = ..........................

Jawaban : Sailor

III. Answer these questions correctly !

( Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat ! )


who is she ?

Jawaban : Tailor


Where does she work ?

Jawaban : School

3. Sarah : Do you agree if we ask Faizal to go to Jakarta ?

Sonia : .............. I'm afraid I disagree. He gets lost easily.

Jawaban : I totally disagree

4. Selena : " ........ I borrow your bag, please ?" 

Rita : " Sure. "

Jawaban : Excuse me, May

5. Change into Indonesian ! 

( Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia )

A. Chef

B. Singer

C. Sailor

D. Gardener

Jawaban : 

A. Koki

B. Penyanyi

C. Pelaut

D. Tukang kebun

Minggu, 04 April 2021

Kunci Jawaban Competency Test Chapter 3_LKS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4_K13_Halaman 41-43

 Competency Test Chapter 3

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D !

( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang huruf a, b, c, atau d !

Text is for numbers 1 to 5.

( Teks berikut untuk pertanyaan nomor 1 sampai 5 )

Malik has a small kitchen in the corner of his house. He and his mother are in the kitchen now. His mother is cutting carrots and potatoes. She is going to make a soup. Malik's mother uses a knife to cut the vegetables. Malik helps her to peel the onions. The kitchen utensils they need to make a soup are gas stove, knife, pan, bowl, spatula, and cutting board.

1. Where are Malik and his mother now ? 

A. Living room

B. Kitchen

C. Bedroom

D. Dining room

Jawaban : B

2. Who is cutting carrots and potatoes ?

A. Malik.

B. Malik's sister.

C. Malik's father.

D. Malik's mother.

Jawaban : D

3. Who is peeling the onion ?

A. Malik.

B. Malik's sister.

C. Malik's father.

D. Malik's mother.

Jawaban : A

4. They want to make a ......... in the kitchen.

A. Curry

B. Soto

C. Soup

D. Fried rice

Jawaban : C

5. These are the utensils they need to make a soup, except.........

A. Gas stove

B. Knife

C. Blender

D. Pan

Jawaban : C

6. We can find these utensils in the kitchen, except.........

A. Plate

B. Bowl

C. Stove

D. Pillow

Jawaban : D


We bake cookies use.........

A. Pan 

B. Knife

C. Oven 

D. Stove

Jawaban : C


Woro : "Would you like to give the ........., please ?"

Daru : "Okay." 

A. Plate

B. Frying pan 

C. Pan 

D. Fork

Jawaban : C

9. Aji : " ..... you help me bring this box ?"

Rusiana : "Sure."

A. May

B. What

C. Can 

D. Want

Jawaban : C

10. Ina : "Would you like to give me that fork, ..... ?

Nana : "Alright."

A. Thank you

B. Please

C. Okay

D. Sorry

Jawaban : B

11. I - t - a - p - e = .............

A. Ipate

B. Plate

C. Pleta

D. ptale

Jawaban : B


Grandfather drinks a ........ of coffee

A. Glass

B. Cup

C. Spoon

D. Plate

Jawaban : B

13. Sania : "Thanks a lot for your help."

Iwan : " ........... "

A. You are welcome.

B. Can you.

C. Will you.

D. Thank you.

Jawaban : A

14. We need this tool to boil the water. It is .........

Jawaban : A

15. Hana : " Can you give me a piece of paper, please ?"

Wibi : " ........ "

A. Please

B. Thank you

C. Okay

D. Sorry

Jawaban : C

16. y - r - a - t = ............

A. Tray

B. Ryta 

C. Tyar

D. Ryat

Jawaban : A

17. Bima : " This is a new plate for you." 

Mita : " ........ , Bima."

Bima : " Don't mention it."

A. Really

B. Nice

C. Thank you

D. Good luck

Jawaban : C


Santi : " What is that ?"

Siska : " That is a ........ "

A. Gas stove

B. Sponge

C. Sink

D. Grater

Jawaban : C

19. Zahrana needs a ...... and a ....... to cut the onions.

A. Bowl - Gas stove

B. Refrigerator - Tray

C. Mixer - Knife

D. Knife - Cutting board

Jawaban : D


We use a ........ to fry the eggs.

A. Mixer

B. Kettle

C. Rolling pin

D. Frying pan

Jawaban : D

II. Fill the blanks with the correct answer !

( Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat ! )

1. Mother save the fresh vegetables in the ............ (lemari es).

Jawaban : Refrigerator


We make a fruit juice with a .................

Jawaban : Blender


Use a ................ to carry those glasses, please !

Jawaban : Tray

4. Aunt : "This is a new bag for you." 

Mira : " .................... , Aunt."

Aunt Mira : " You are welcome. "

Jawaban : Thank you

5. Desi : " ...................... you help me, please ?"

Tio : What can I do for you ?"  

Desi : " Peel the carrot, please."

Tio : "Certainly."

Jawaban : Can

6. Wastafel = ...................

Jawaban : Sink


To mix the dough, you need a ................

Jawaban : Mixer

8. help - like - Would - please - you - to - ? - me

The correct order of those words is ............

Jawaban : Would you like to help me, please ?


Tio fries the fish with a .............

Jawaban : Frying pan

10. I need a ............... (gelas) to drink.

Jawaban : Glass

III. Answer these questions correctly ! 

( jawabanlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat ! )

1. Mention five (5) kitchen utensils ! 

Jawaban : 

- Knife

- Pan 

- Spatula

- Frying pan 

- Gas Stove

2. What utensils do you need if you want to eat ?

Jawaban : 

- Plate

- Bowl

- Spoon

- Fork

3. Change into english !

A. Kompor Gas

B. Mangkuk

C. Cangkir

D. Gelas

Jawaban :

A. Gas stove

B. Bowl

D. Cup

E. Glass

4. Complete the following dialog !

Agung : " Can you lend me a glass, please ? "

Rowan : " .................. "

Agung : " Thank you. "

Jawaban : Okay

5. Arrange the words into a good order !

A. lot - a - Thanks

B. you - the - please - bring - Can - book - ?

C. I - do - you - for - can - What - ?

D. you - like - give - Would - to - the - plate - me - ?

Jawaban : 

A. Thanks a lot

B. Can you bring the book, please ?

C. What can I do for you ?

D. Would you like to give me the plate ?